​St Gregory's Parish family is committed to being a Christ- centred pilgrim people who, through word and deed are a living witness of God's unconditional love for all
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)
Men Alive
Family Groups
Monday Friendship Group
Cancer Support Group
Wednesday Prayer Group
Women's Prayer Group

Call the parish office for details:
62 994611
Click below to watch video

Men Alive
The most important thing that a man can discover is that God is at work in his life; he is not just out there on his own, battling his way through. The vision of menALIVE is to create an opportunity for that to happen and then try not to get in God's way.
Each man's experience of a menALIVE event is unique because God meets each of us individually, where we are at.
menALIVE Queanbeyan is made of many small groups who meet weekly to share God's work in their own lives
They also hold yearly Mens Weekends and regular specialised events and they cater to men of all ages.
Call on 0417 664 110
Family Groups
Family groups consists of small groups of families who meet monthly in a social setting to form deep bonds of friendship and support.
Families can be young or old, with or without children, couples and even single people. If you would like to learn more about these groups, join an existing one, or start on of your own, please contact Elizabeth Holland
Contact Elizabeth Holland on
0402 814 632 or contact the parish office on 62 994611.

Monday Friendship Group
We meet on Mondays from 10am till 12noon. You can find us at the Parish meeting room at 47 Lowe street (next to the parish office)
Cancer Support Group
We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 12:30pm in parish meeting room (next tot he parish office)
Call: 6297 1912

Wednesday Prayer Group
An opportunity to explore the gospels. All Welcome. Lowe Street Meeting room 1.30 pm - 3pm
Women's Prayer Group
Contact Selina
Call: 0438 664 110

We meet on Wednesdays from 1:30 till 3:00pm. You can find us at the Parish meeting room at 47 Lowe street (next to the parish office) All Welcome