St Vincent De Paul Society
The St Vincent de Paul Society was founded in 1833 and since then has grown to include thousands of individuals who wish to put their faith into action. These people share their time, care for humanity and energy to make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged people all around Australia.
The SVDP Vision
The Society aspires to be recognised as a caring Catholic charity offering “a hand up” to people in need. We do this by respecting their dignity, sharing our hope, and encouraging them to take control of their own destiny.
Or call Paula on 0488 265 347
Sunday Morning Tea
After Sunday Morning mass, many from our parish come together for good conversation and cuppa. This morning tea is organised by groups on a rostered basis
Contact Elizabeth Holland: 0402 814 632
Bereavement Support Group
Bereavement Support is a group of people willing to support those who are suffering from grief or loss. The team assist in coordinating prayer services which are held throughout the year for parishioners and friends to attend.
The group also ensure people are contacted and connected with community after experiences of loss or grief. The group do this through organising to meet up with people in social settings or by writing letters at tough times of the year, in which they offer prayer and support.
Call: Gretchen Bell - 0488 265 347
Or Albert White - 6156 3265
Acolytes & Senior Altar Servers
Have you ever felt like you can give more of yourself during mass?
A great way to do this is by becoming an Acolyte or Senior Altar Server during your normal weekend mass time. This allows you to give back to the parish without changing your schedule to fit in anymore commitments, simply changing the way you participate in your usual weekend mass.
To get involved in this ministry, contact the parish office.